A first set aims to simplify institutional life, strengthen citizen participation and provide Brittany with coherent tools. It is in this spirit that we defend the gathering of the general councils and the Region in a common tool, the Assembly of Brittany, to simplify the organization of the communities and to eliminate the duplicates. It will receive a legislative and budgetary power to put an end to a centralism that stifles our territories. Our project also aims to trust citizen participation so that Loire-Atlantique integrates this process.
A second set of our project aims to build on the strengths of Brittany to strengthen its economic life. Brittany has many assets to ensure its development: the balance and cohesion of all our territories; the diversity of our SMEs and SMIs; activities related to the sea; a bunch of renewable energies and of course the cultural singularities and the collective energy of Brittany. It is these assets that we want to put in motion, by tools adapted to the realities of Brittany.
A third set of our project aims finally to ensure solidarities in Brittany, between territories or between generations.
Between territories, because the concentration of wealth and decisions in some metropolises is not a solidarity model. On the contrary, we must ensure a balanced development of all Breton territories. Modernization of the rail transport network or support for economic innovation must also benefit the tip of Brittany or rural areas.
Intergenerational, because it is essential to focus on the resources of Breton youth to build the future, because sustainable development issues must not weigh on our children and therefore not delay the sustainable transition of children. ‘economy.
To this global framework, our candidates add all their proposals on local issues, from the future of the Pont-Croix slaughterhouse in the canton of Douarnenez to the challenges of linking with the islands in the Morbihan through the automotive sector in Rennes or the challenge of reunification in Loire-Atlantique.
It is also a beautiful symbol that it is in the 44 that the UDB presents the most candidates: 7 cantons, 28 candidates mobilized, proof of vitality of the Breton left after the difficult debates on the territorial reform.
For the rest, the presence of the UDB is balanced on the territory, from city districts to central Brittany.
Three quarters of our applications are part of an autonomous process of the Breton left, but a quarter are also the result of the continuity of relationships of trust with very varied local teams.
Finally, it is interesting to note that the candidates presented or supported by the UDB are representative of the diversity of Breton society. Our holders are at the same time private executives, civil servants, business leaders, workers, students, artists, retirees.